Real-Time Network Functions

This section summarizes the Real Time Network (RTN) function set. RTN functions are those functions provided by the RT-TCP/IP Protocol Stack and are available for use by an RT-TCP/IP NIC driver, an RT-TCP/IP filter, or an application. The RTN functions are exported by the stack and may be used by doing the following:

NOTE: Linking the driver to the appropriate files satisfies the linking requirements for both drivers and filters. There is no need to explicitly link the filter.

NOTE: These functions require the RT-TCP/IP Stack to run. When an application process calls one of these functions, we recommend using RtnIsStackOnline to ensure that the Stack is running. If these functions are called while the Stack is not started, an exception may occur.

NOTE: Real-Time Network functions cannot be called from a Windows executable file (.exe).

For detailed information about a function, click its link in the table below.

Real-Time Network Function Description


First validates if it has received a proper multicast IPv4 address. Then it adds multicast IPv4 address to the routing table on the selected device. After allocating a new entry in the IGMP table, it then sends the IGMP report of the new entry.

RtnAttachProcessExitHandler Registers an application's networking exit handler to allow an RTSS application to perform custom socket code cleanup when an application


Accesses various fields in the stack defined packet structure.


Frees any associated memory from a CriticalLock.


First validates if it has received a proper multicast IPv4 address. It then deletes the multicast IPv4 address from the routing table on the selected device.


Displays the neighbor cache entry, the neighboring node's IPv6 address, the corresponding link-layer address, and the state of the neighbor cache entry for the network device identifier.


Displays all static IPv4 and IPv6 routes from RT-TCP/IP stack’s forwarding database.


Waits on the associated CriticalLock until no other thread is inside a RtnEnterCritcalLock RtnLeaveCriticalLock pairing.


Calls the fnCheckPciCard function for every PCI card found within the system (or until fnCheckPciCard returns TRUE), and is used to locate a PCI NIC.


Retrieves the value placed at offset index of the network device pointed to by ndp.


Converts a binary IP address in network byte order into the network device pointer for the particular device.


Returns a pointer to the ASCII character name associated with this driver instance.


Gets the network device pointer associated with ASCII network device name.


Returns the IP address associated with this device instance.


Normally used in RtndIoctl to determine the multicast address count.


Returns the tick interval, in milliseconds per tick, that the stack timer is configured to use.


Returns a pointer to an RT-TCP/IP Stack packet structure.


Reports the status for an instance of the driver for the RTX64-converted NIC card.


Initializes a CriticalLock data structure.


Installs a static IPv4 or IPv6 route in RT-TCP/IP stack’s forwarding database.

RtnIsDeviceOnline Used to get the online status of a network device for link status monitoring.
RtnIsStackOnline Used to get the online status of the RT-TCP/IP stack for link status monitoring.


Called when the filter requires that the driver configure certain NIC modes or characteristics.  


Exits a CriticalLock section.


Used to notify the stack that data has been received.


Removes an application's networking exit handler registered by the function RtnAttachProcessExitHandler.


Removes a static IPv4 or IPv6 route from RtTcpIP stack’s forwarding database.


Forwards a request to the underlying driver to query the requested capabilities and/or statistics of the RTX64 converted NIC card.


Sets the value at offset index of the network device pointed to by ndp.


Sets the gateway address (in the stack) for an instance of the driver.


Sets the hardware address (in the stack) for an instance of the driver.


Notifies the RT-TCP/IP Stack that the most recent packet handed to RtndTransmit should be returned to the stack buffer pool for reuse.